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How can we help you?
See our most Frequently Asked Questions below.

It takes 6 days to deliver a Letter. It takes 7 days to deliver a Poem. It takes 8 days to deliver a Vow. We will always make sure to deliver your Love Words on time, straight into your inbox!
Your Love Words are delivered to your inbox as PDF high quality files. You can print them or use them to create your own personalized message.
The cost of a Letter, Poem, or Vow is based on its length. The initial cost of Letters is $60. Poems have a starting price of $80. Vows has a starting price of $90.
That's a great idea. Even though we're not offering this extra service at the moment, we're considering offering a handwritten letter service in the next few months. Stay tuned!

And if you still have a question, just send us a message here!

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